LOCATION: Bangalore
YEAR: 2012
CLIENT: Femint Health
BUILT AREA: 21689 sqft

FEMIINT is the first of several high-end specialty clinics to be set up in Bangalore and eventually across the south. The building comprises a basement for staff parking and services, three floors of treatment and consultation related functions and a rooftop cafeteria. The floors are designed to maximize circulation and way-finding efficiencies, with varying degrees of visibility and access, as patients and visitors move from the front edges of the building towards treatment zones at the rear.
These public edges of the building on three levels coalesce to form an expressive glass feature on the façade, much like a graft, almost metaphorically revealing the structural exoskeleton. Its geometry was derived by carving out a profile from the façade, subtracting it from surfaces taken up by services and dense exoskeletal elements. It is set into a textured backdrop (craftstone cladding) - the roughness and reassuring earthy qualities of stone forming the canvas for an aggressive, geometrically irregular glass element.